Kotlin Development for Android 电子书下载
Learn how to create your own apps for Android, in the Kotlin programming language! Through the course of this book, you will be taught from the ground-up how to create and develop your own Android apps in the Kotlin language, which has been given first-class status by Google. You will be given detailed tutorials on how to set up Android Studio, test devices, and creating your first "hello world!" application, all the way through to creating new activities for your app and handling constraints. Not only will you be exposed to real, working Kotlin code, you will also learn how to develop Android apps which are adaptable to many different form factors and orientations. In addition, you`ll be developing in Android Studio 3.0, the latest version of the IDE made by Google. Through every step there are screenshots of what you should be doing, alongside code examples for you to play with. You will develop three Android apps during the course of the book, each progressively getting more complex and building upon what you learnt from the last one. So what are you waiting for? Start building your own Android app today! Want to learn the basics first? Check out my other book on Amazon - Kotlin Development for Beginners (with Code Examples) here: bit.ly/kotlin-book.
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