Learn NodeJS in 1 Day: Complete Node JS Guide with Examples 电子书下载
Node.js supports both client and server side applications. It is based on JavaScript and is very fast in operation. These distinctive features made node.js as one of the most powerful framework in the Java Ecosystem. JavaScript alone allows you to build real-time and scalable mobile and web applications. With this e-book, you will explore more on the node.js framework and how to use it efficiently for web development.Average developers or beginners who struggle to understand node.js basics will find this book very helpful and productive. The book tried to put examples that simplify problems usually faced by the users like how asynchronous code works, what are modules, how big file can be read, node.js express, etc. You will find that lots of concepts that take a long time to master can be learned in a day or two.If this is your first interaction with node.js and don’t want all sort of troubles that arise with the node, this edition is recommended. After going through this e-book, node.js will become an absolute pleasure.Table of contentChapter 1: IntroductionWhat is node.jsWhy use Node.jsFeatures of Node.jsWhen to use and not use Node.jsChapter 2: Download & Install Node.jsHow to install node.jsInstalling node through a package managerRunning your first Hello world application in Node.jsChapter 3: ModulesWhat are modules in Node.jsUsing modules in Node.jsCreating NPM modulesExtending modulesPublishing NPM ModulesManaging third party packages with npmWhat is the package.json fileChapter 4: Create Server and Get DataChapter 5: Node.js with ExpressWhat is Express.jsInstalling and using ExpressWhat are RoutesSample Web server using express.jsChapter 6: Node.js with MongoDBNode.js and NoSQL DatabasesUsing MongoDB and Node.jsHow to build a node express app with MongoDB to store and serve contentChapter 7: Promise, Generator, Event and FilestreamWhat are promisesCallbacks to promisesGenerating promises with the BlueBird libraryCreating a custom promiseCallbacks vs generatorsFilestream in Node.jsEmitting EventsChapter 8: Testing with JasmineOverview of Jasmine for testing Node.js applicationsHow to use Jasmine to test Node.js applications
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