Web Development with MongoDB and NodeJS, 2nd Edition: Build an interactive and full-featured web application from scratch using Node.js and MongoDB 电子书下载
书名:Web Development with MongoDB and NodeJS, 2nd Edition: Build an interactive and full-featured web application from scratch using Node.js and MongoDB
Node.js and MongoDB are quickly becoming one of the most popular tech stacks for the web. Powered by Google`s V8 engine, Node.js caters to easily building fast, scalable network applications while MongoDB is the perfect fit as a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database solution. Using these two technologies together, web applications can be built quickly and easily and deployed to the cloud with very little difficulty. The book will begin by introducing you to the groundwork needed to set up the development environment. Here, you will quickly run through the steps necessary to get the main application server up and running. Then you will see how to use Node.js to connect to a MongoDB database and perform data manipulations. From here on, the book will take you through integration with third-party tools for interaction with web apps. It then moves on to show you how to use controllers and view models to generate reusable code that will reduce development time. Toward the end of the book, we will cover tests to properly execute the code and some popular frameworks for developing web applications.
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