Google SketchUp 7 for dummies 电子书下载
Google SketchUp is the exciting free software package that makes 3D available to everybody. Whether you need to build 3D models for work, or you’ve just always wanted to explore 3D modeling, Google SketchUp was made for you. Still, it does take a bit of understanding to get started, so turn to Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies. In classic For Dummies tradition, Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies gets right to the point so you can start creating 3D models right away. You’ll learn to: Set up SketchUp, learn about edges and faces, use inferences and guides, and build your first model Establish a basic end-to-end workflow for creating and sharing models Model non-boxy objects like terrain, characters, bottles, and spheres Add details like stairs, gutters, and eaves Spruce up your models with styles and shadows to add effects, make objects pop, and enhance realism Use the LayOut function to draw with vector tools, add text and callouts, and print your work Design buildings and objects, export your models to other design programs or to Google Earth, and explore 3D animation On the book’s companion Web site, you’ll also find a bonus chapter and videos demonstrating more about what you can do with Google SketchUp. Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies also shows you what SketchUp can and can’t do, and offers tips for solving common problems. Add a new dimension to your work today!
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