General Buddhism - Beyond Belief A Buddhist Critique of Fundamental Christianity 电子书下载
During the Buddha`s time, as now people were and are contused by the myriad religious beliefs expounded by different religious teachers who exalted their own teachings and denounced those of others. This discourse was given by the Buddha when he was asked by the Kalamas (the citizens of Kesaputta) who were confused over the many religions at that time. The Buddha said:Do not accept anything on mere hearsay (i.e. thinking that thus we have heard for a long time) Do not accept anything by mere tradition (i.e. thinking that it has thus been handed down: through many generations) Do not accept anything on account of rumours (i.e. believing what others say without investigation) Do not accept anything just because it accords with yourscriptures Do not accept anything by mere supposition Do not accept anything by mere inference Do not accept anything by merely considering the appearances Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions Dо not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable (i.e. should be accepted) Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected; by us (and therefore it is right to accept his word...This book is nor intended as an attack on Christianity or mainstream Christians.The purpose in publishing this book is to counteract the dogmatic propaganda of the, so called, ``born again`` evangelists.
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