The executive guide to e-mail correspondence: including model letters for every situation 电子书下载
Sit down at the keyboard and cinch that deal! Press the send button and get the account! Writing skills are more important than ever in determining business success. They can make the difference between climbing the corporate ladder and getting stuck on a low rung. An e-mail that`s clear, concise, and targeted will get more than just a response—it will get results...including your boss`s attention! No matter what the business or sector, top communication skills are in major demand. Why? Because businesses are bogged down with e-mails that are too long, wordy, and unclear. Instead of wasting time rewriting, clarifying, and still miscommunicating, write it once, write it right, and get the job done the first time. The Executive Guide to E-mail Correspondence will show you how to rapidly transform basic writing skills into global communications expertise. Geared to the computer-toting professional with little patience for instructions and explanations, The Executive Guide to E-mail Correspondence fills the gap between academic training and real-world writing by providing you with a range of E-mail templates that you can instantly adapt to your business needs. Written in a fresh and lively, here`s-how style, The Executive Guide to E-mail Correspondence: - Demonstrates the hallmarks of effective business E-mails. - Features ready-to-use organizational plans. - Presents quick and easy editing techniques. - Furnishes before-and-after editing models. - Focuses on the do`s and-don`ts of proficient E-mails. - Supplies practical writing tips and tricks. The Executive Guide to E-mail Correspondence is a must-have book for anyone who wants to fast-forward his or her career in any business or industry.
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