Little SAS Book: A Primer 电子书下载
Overwhelmed by too much information? Left hanging without quite enough direction? If your answer to these questions is "yes," you will find this book is just right for getting an easy, yet complete introduction to using SAS software. This task-oriented handbook presents SAS software in a format that is inviting and convenient. Each task is presented in a self-contained two-page layout complete with examples, graphics, and cross-references to other SAS software documentation. Topics range from concepts of the SAS language to using basic statistical procedures and debugging programs. The modular and concise format makes this an ideal tutorial for concentrated study and a great quick reference for particular tasks. Beginning and elementary users will be pleasantly surprised by this unusually appealing approach to mastering basic programming tasks such as inputting data, modifying and combining data sets, and summarizing and presenting data with the MEANS, PLOT, FREQ, and PRINT procedures. The beginner will also learn about more advanced topics such as arrays, RETAIN statements, and transport data sets.Lora D. Delwiche brings over 20 years of expertise in working with SAS software to this edition. She is an applications software consultant with Information and Educational Technology at the University of California, Davis. Lora enjoys teaching people about SAS software and likes solving challenging problems using SAS. Her experience in working with users from many different disciplines prompted her to write a book proving that SAS is "not hard to learn. Susan J. Slaughter discovered SAS software over 20 years ago in graduate school. Since then she has used SAS in a variety of business and academic settings. She now works as a consultant through her company, Avocet Solutions. Her experience managing large databases, teaching SAS software classes, and writing about SAS inspired her to write a book that is both informative and fun to read.
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