Formula Primer 电子书下载
Equis has been supporting MetaStock for some years now and has frequently had questions from customers on how to write their own indicators, system tests, or explorations. The commands are printed in the manual, but most inquiries stemmed from people who had no idea how to begin. The MetaStock formula language involves some basic programming concepts and this seemed to have frightened many users into not even trying.This text explains, in small incremental steps, what the MetaStock formula language is and how it works. Soon vou` 11 know how to write a MetaStock function. Confidence will increase and you`ll bravely combine two functions into a single indicator. Amazed at how easily you did this. you`ll start using more until you suddenly realize, you are writing your own system tests and explorations.If you don`t believe this, then start reading chapter one. Be patient and follow the exercises. Please type in the formulas as they are shown and try them in MetaStock. You will get the most from this text if you actually do the exercises while reading the relevant sections. The more you use a program, the more comfortable you will be with it.
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