Angular and Machine Learning Pocket Primer

Angular and Machine Learning Pocket Primer 电子书下载

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书名:Angular and Machine Learning Pocket Primer

Angular and Machine Learning Pocket Primer.jpg

As part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series, this book is designed to introduce the reader to basicmachine learning concepts and incorporate that knowledge into Angular applications. The book is intended to be afast-paced introduction to some basic features of machine learning and anoverview of several popular machine learning classifiers. It includes codesamples and numerous figures and covers topics such as Angular functionality,basic machine learning concepts, classification algorithms, TensorFlow andKeras. The files with code and color figures are on the companion disc with thebook or available from the publisher. Features: Introduces the basic machine learning concepts and Angular applications Includes source code and full color figures (Also available from the publisher for downloading by writing to [email protected])

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