Transforming HR : Creating value through people (The HR Series)

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书名:Transforming HR : Creating value through people (The HR Series)

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HR Functions are under pressure to transform and deliver greater value to their organisations. The HR transformation agenda involves the effective use of technology, outsourcing where appropriate and developing HR capability to provide high quality internal support. Whilst some of the broad-brush thinking has been well laid out around the shape of HR transformation, there is considerable demand in the HR and business communities for robust practical advice in how to make this transformational change happen. The aim of this book, therefore, is to provide a tried and tested route map to help organisations deliver successful HR transformation. The authors are leading practitioners in HR transformation and have supported end-to-end HR transformation in a wide range of organisations. Drawing on their experience, they steer the reader through the transformation process, providing practical tools, techniques and frameworks to support critical decisions and create lasting change. The use of tools and techniques are illustrated through practical case study examples. Additionally, the authors amplify the points of each chapter with `practitioner perspectives` based on interviews with senior HR professionals, who are embarked on the HR transformation journey from Oracle, Royal Bank of Scotland, National Grid Transco, NCH, Nextel, ESS Support Services Worldwide, Cable & Wireless, The London Stock Exchange, MBNA, Marconi Corporation and Schlumberger. * Written by leading practitioners within HR transformation* Use of tools and techniques will be illustrated through practical case study examples* Unique `Practitioner Perspectives` included in each chapter

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