Digital Heritage and Archaeology in Practice: Presentation, Teaching, and Engagement 电子书下载
Exploringthe use of digital methods in heritage studies and archaeological research The two volumes ofDigital Heritage and Archaeology inPractice bring together archaeologists and heritage professionals fromprivate, public, and academic sectors to discuss practical applications ofdigital and computational approaches to the field. Contributors thoughtfullyexplore the diverse and exciting ways in which digital methods are beingdeployed in archaeological interpretation and analysis, museum collections andarchives, and community engagement, as well as the unique challenges that theseapproaches bring. Thisvolume begins with discussions of digitization at museums and other heritageinstitutions, including ethical questions around access to archives associatedwith descendant communities and the use of metadata standards to preserverecords for the future. Next, case studies provide several examples of publicand community engagement with archaeology using digital tools. The volumeconcludes with information on ways archaeologists have taught digital methodsto both students and professionals, addressing field school contexts and opensource software for mapping and 3D imaging. Digital Heritage and Archaeology in Practice highlights the importance of community, generosity, and openness in theuse of digital tools and technologies. Providing a purposeful counterweight tothe idea that digital archaeology requires expensive infrastructure,proprietary software, complicated processes, and opaque workflows, thesevolumes privilege perspectives that embrace straightforward and transparentapproaches as models for the future.
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