Roy Harley Lewis Presents Theatre Ghosts: An Occult Guide To The Playhouse 电子书下载
Theatres have always been superstitious places and it is therefore
natural that there should, be many stories of ghosts to tell. The well
known theatres of the West End and many nationwide have their own
ghosts— Drury Lane, known as the world’s most haunted theatre, alone
housing a family of ghosts. The evidence produced in this guide will not
only delight ‘believers’ but also capture the attention of those who
scoff with down-to-earth facts and cold logic. Theatre Ghosts includes
many first-hand accounts, some substantiated by well known actors as
well as the theatre staff. Inevitably, a few incidents are more
disturbing, even hair- raising—but even the sceptics among us must be
impressed by this fascinating insight into the theatre world.
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