Internet routing architectures: [the definitive BGP resource] 电子书下载
Within the networking industry, the first edition of Internet Routing Architectures is recognized as one of the market`s top networking books as well as the premier resouce on the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP4). It is regarded as an essential addition to every networking professional`s library and has sold more that 48,000 copies. The author`s demonstrates his ability to teach complex technical topics in an easy-to-follow and practical manner. This second edition will expand on the highly successful first edition with new updates on BGP4, as well as current perspectives on internetworking routing architectures. This book is for any organization that needs to build an efficient, reliable enterprise network accessing the Internet. Its purpose is to make readers an expert on integrating their network into the global Internet. The second edition builds on the backbone of the first edition and includes updates and current perspectives on internetworking routing architectures.
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