TOEFL Paper-and-Pencil (Kaplan Toefl) 电子书下载
Are you ready for the TOEFL® Exam? You will be. Kaplan`s TOEFL® Paper-and-Pencil with 3 Audio CDs, Third Edition, is a complete review of all the material on the paper-based and computer-based TOEFL® exam. You get 3 realistic practice tests; Kaplan`s powerful test-taking strategies; and easy-to-understand grammar, reading, listening, and writing reviews. TOEFL® Paper-and-Pencil will help you to score higher on the TOEFL® exam and get into the North American university or profession you want. SUCCEED on every section of the TOEFL® exam with a full review of Structure, Writing, Reading Comprehension, and Listening Comprehension. PREPARE with detailed information on the test, plus hundreds of practice questions to build your skills. PRACTICE with 3 full-length practice tests with complete score analysis as well as 3 audio CDs for listening comprehension and vocabulary review. SCORE HIGHER with effective strategies for managing time, understanding directions, handling stress, and more.
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