Shining the Light V: Humanity is Going to Make It! 电子书下载
The light of truth shines on: Revelations about Area 51 by a rocket scientist A 75-year-long Zeta restructuring of the past Cloning: the new ethics forum Recent UFO activity in the skies The angel of Roswell The first Earth humans and the original dark side, our shadow Angels: guides in training (30% of humans are angels) Using manifestation powers to avert man-made disasters Symbiotic spacecraft engines and faster-than-light travel The true purpose of the Mayans The SSG downs military planes Grid lines rising above the planet The SSG realizes they need customers, not slaves Homework for changing your past Zoosh and others blast the cover off past events and hidden forces at work on this planet and reveal opportunities for immense growth and power. This is a pivotal time as the secrets and mysteries that have long bewildered humanity are at last illuminated by the light of truth. Zoosh, the End-Time Historian and one of the eight friends of the Creator, was with our Creator before this creation and has been with us ever since. He says our greatest gift in this creator-training school is our gift of ignorance. In forgetting what we know, we go beyond our limitations. He is witty, wise and compassionate. He says about himself, “It has been my job and my purpose in life to follow the birth of your souls on your journey to re-create the universe. I have to nurture that sense of mystery — it’s not as if you’re going to have it forever.”
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