Mental Health in the Workplace 电子书下载
Over 25 million people in the UK spend a large part of their lives at work. It stands to reason that a psychologically healthy workforce and a supportive work environment will benefit staff and employers alike. In a Confederation of British Industry (CBI) survey of over 800 companies, 98% of respondents said they thought that the mental health of employees should be a company concern. Similarly, the large majority (81%) considered that the mental health of staff should be part of company policy. Despite their concerns, however, less than 1 in 10 of these companies had an official policy on mental health. The aims of this booklet are: first, to review the effects of stress at work, and those factors in the workplace that can cause or contribute to stress. Second, it will address the ways in which employers can help to create a psychologically healthy work environment, in which the effects of stress are minimised and managed, and employees are supported in using and developing their abilities and potential. Finally, the recruitment and retention of those experiencing mental health problems is addressed, and a list of useful contacts is provided for further information.
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