Zone Golf: Master Your Mental Game Using Self-Hypnosis 电子书下载
The only book showing how self-hypnosis can help you master your golf game Zone Golf is a revolutionary handbook showing how you can use your mind to improve your golf game. Hypnosis is one of the quickest and most effective ways to create long-lasting change, and Zone Golf offers some powerful weapons against the yips, missed putts, and shots in the bunker. You`ll learn how the Zone secrets can take your game to a completely different level: Banish the yips -- Sink tricky putts -- Conquer the bunker -- Play one shot at a time -- Achieve total focus -- Trust your club selection -- Forget missed shots -- Relax and swing with tempo -- Thrive under pressure The accompanying audio CD provides self-hypnosis tracks that help you get more out of the program. Written by a certified hypnotherapist, Zone Golf reveals how to access the mastery of the game that you already have, and lower your golf score as you raise your golf experience. This program was created in conjunction with Bill Fawcett, The Fawcett Group, and Dana Walden. (20100521)
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