Twenty-Sixth Congress on Large Dams - Vingt-Sixième Congrès des Grands Barrages 电子书下载
"The International Committee on Large Dams holds their 26th International Congress in Vienna, Austria. These proceedings of the congress focuses on four main topics. 1) Reservoir sedimentation and sustainable development, 2) Safety and risk analysis, 3) Geology and dams, and 4) Small dams and levees. The book will discuss these questions in depth, and present main papers and reports presented at the congress."--Provided by publisher. Abstract: "The International Committee on Large Dams holds their 26th International Congress in Vienna, Austria. These proceedings of the congress focuses on four main topics. 1) Reservoir sedimentation and sustainable development, 2) Safety and risk analysis, 3) Geology and dams, and 4) Small dams and levees. The book will discuss these questions in depth, and present main papers and reports presented at the congress."--Provided by publisher
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