Christian Persecution, Martyrdom, and Orthodoxy 电子书下载
This volume brings together seven seminal papers by the great radical historian Geoffrey de Ste. Croix, who died in 2000, on earl ...
08-24 [ None ]
《大历史 : 虚无与万物之间》[美] 大卫·克里斯蒂安(David Christian) / 辛西娅·斯托克斯·布朗 (Cynthia Stokes Brown) / 克雷格·本杰明 (Craig Benjamin) 电子书下载
内容简介:《大历史》所考察的不仅仅是人类的过去,还包括地球的过去,乃至宇宙的过去。阅读本书,读者将会追溯一段始于138亿年前的历史,这段历史以大爆炸和宇宙出现为开端。大历史包含了宇宙学、地球与生命科学、人文历史等领域的研究成果,并将它们融合为一种单一的、具有普遍性的历史叙述,对宇宙以及我们在其中的位 ...
10-14 [ historical ]
Physical Evidence for Ritual Acts, Sorcery and Witchcraft in Christian Britain 电子书下载
Physical Evidence for Ritual Acts, Sorcery and Witchcraft in Christian Britain investigates the physical evidence for magic in me ...
09-22 [ None ]
General Buddhism - Beyond Belief A Buddhist Critique of Fundamental Christianity 电子书下载
During the Buddha`s time, as now people were and are contused by the myriad religious beliefs expounded by different religious te ...
08-18 [ None ]
On Christian Belief: A Defence of a Cognitive Conception of Religious Belief in a Christian Context (Routledge Studies in Critical Realism) 电子书下载
On Christian Belief offers a defence of realism in the philosophy of religion. It argues that religious belief - with particular ...
08-18 [ None ]
On Christian Belief: A Defence of a Cognitive Conception of Religious Belief in a Christian Context 电子书下载
Routledge Studies in Critical Realism Series ...
08-18 [ None ]
《iOS编程(第四版)》Christian Keur文字版 电子书下载
Christian Keur是Big Nerd Ranch的高级讲师和软件工程师,负责编写Big Nerd Ranch的“iOS新手培训课程”教材。该教材广受好评,是本书的原型。Christian毕业于美国佐治亚理工学院计算机科学系,目前居住在亚特兰大。Aaron Hillegass是Big Ner ...
09-15 [ computer ]
The Gnostics: The First Christian Heretics (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Gnosticism is the name given to various religious schools that proliferated in the first centuries after Christ, nearly becoming ...
07-01 [ None ]
Arabic Christianity Between the Ottoman Levant and Eastern Europe 电子书下载
"This volume sheds light on the historical background and political circumstances that encouraged the dialogue between Eastern-Eu ...
06-11 [ None ]
Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader 电子书下载
This comprehensive anthology of primary documents and materialsexplores the evolution and study of Christian ethical principles.I ...
05-21 [ None ]