色彩艺术 - The Art of Color 电子书下载
本书作者伊顿简介约翰内斯・伊顿((Jogannesltten)1888年11月11日生于瑞士特翁附近的施瓦尔岑埃格,1967年3月25日卒于苏黎世。他的才学渊博,不但是画家、雕刻家,而且是一位很负盛望的美术理论家和艺术教育家,毕生从事色彩学的研究,被誉为当代 ...
05-03 [ None ]
Watercolor Techniques: Painting Light and Color in Landscapes and Cityscapes 电子书下载
"No other medium is as magical and enjoyable as watercolor." So says artist and author Michael Reardon. In Watercolor Techniques: ...
10-08 [ None ]
Mammals of Colorado 电子书下载
Mammals of Colorado provides detailed information on the identification, ecology, behaviour, reproduction, taxonomy, and distribu ...
08-18 [ None ]
Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology 电子书下载
The editors and contributors to Color of Violence ask: What would it take to end violence against women of color? Presenting the ...
08-12 [ None ]
Color Doppler US of the Penis (Medical Radiology Diagnostic Imaging) 电子书下载
At last there is on the market a comprehensive reference and practical guide on the application of US to penile diseases and cond ...
07-28 [ None ]
Y colorín colorado este cuento aún no se ha acabado - La vida no se acaba... hasta que se acaba... 电子书下载
Y colorín colorado este cuento aún no se ha acabado se editó por primera vez en el año 2001 y desde entonces ha sido leído, releí ...
10-31 [ None ]
Splash 14 - The Best of Watercolor : Light & Color 电子书下载
"Sometimes the beauty of light can last only an instant...be ready." - Laurie Goldstein-Warren, P119It starts with a sparkle of l ...
10-08 [ None ]