Splash 14 - The Best of Watercolor : Light & Color 电子书下载
"Sometimes the beauty of light can last only an instant...be ready." - Laurie Goldstein-Warren, P119It starts with a sparkle of light, the expressive way a shadow maps out a face, the almost other-worldly luminosity of roses on an overcast day. These are the moments, often brief and unexpected, that turn ordinary subjects into powerful inspiration, and--when handled with skill and originality--a painting into a masterpiece.The magical moments featured in Splash 14 evoke the very essence of watercolor--light and color. More than 120 brilliant paintings are accompanied by generous insights from the artists. Find out how they captured lyrical light effects, quiet moods, lively shadows, and incredibly subtleties or shouts of color.In keeping with the Splash tradition, this volume celebrates the heart, spirit and innovation of contemporary watercolor. It promises hours of enjoyment and intrigue for artists and art-enthusiasts alike."A great painting is more often the result of an enjoyable journey than a planned process." - Janet Nunn, P110
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