A Programmer’s Introduction to PHP 4.0 - W. J. Gilmore 电子书下载
A Programmer’s Introduction to PHP 4.0 - W. J. GilmoreW. J. Gilmore ...
02-05 [ computer ]
GNSS — Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and more 电子书下载
“GNSS - GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and more” is the extension of the scientific bestseller “GPS - Theory and Practice” to Global Navig ...
07-11 [ None ]
Anello damore (Italian Edition) 电子书下载
La storia di un colpo di fulmine tra un brillante avvocato di origine cinese e una giovane artista sullo sfondo di Prato, una del ...
09-08 [ None ]
More Exceptional C++ - Herb Sutter 电子书下载
More Exceptional C++ - Herb SutterHerb Sutter ...
02-05 [ computer ]
A Pharmacology Primer: Techniques for More Effective and Strategic Drug Discovery, 6th Edition 电子书下载
A Pharmacology Primer: Techniques for More Effective and Strategic Drug Discovery, Sixth Edition features the latest research sur ...
10-08 [ None ]
Core Data by Tutorials 5th Edition - Aaron Douglas, Matthew Morey and Pietro Rea 电子书下载
Core Data by Tutorials 5th Edition - Aaron Douglas, Matthew Morey and Pietro ReaAaron Douglas, Matthew Morey and Pietro Rea ...
02-05 [ computer ]
AngularJS Directives Cookbook: Extend the capabilities of AngularJS and build dynamic web applications by creating customized directives with this selection of more than 30 recipes 电子书下载
AngularJS directives are at the center of what makes it such an exciting – and important - web development framework. With direct ...
05-10 [ None ]
More on Mediterranean Diets (World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 97) 电子书下载
The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health, Washington, D.C. Provides extensive reviews of the various diets existing in the M ...
09-26 [ None ]
SwiftUI by Tutorials 3rd Edition - Antonio Bello, Bill Morefield, Audrey Tam & Sarah Reichelt 电子书下载
SwiftUI by Tutorials 3rd Edition - Antonio Bello, Bill Morefield, Audrey Tam & Sarah ReicheltAntonio Bello, Bill Morefield, Audrey Tam & Sarah Reichel ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《从偶然到必然:中产阶级充电必读(全20册)》麦克·莫耶(Mike Moyer)/安德里·赛德涅夫(Andrii Sedniev)/ 帕特里克·金(Patrick King)/何塞·曼纽尔·莫雷拉·巴蒂斯塔(José Manuel Moreira Batista) 电子书下载
内容简介:本套装共包含20册:《切蛋糕:创业公司如何确立动态股权分配机制》《脱口而出,妙语连珠——令人终生难忘的即兴演说术》《魔力四射:如何打动、亲近和影响他人》《二元期权,教您赚钱》《好习惯Get,时间Max!》《做个侃爷:精于闲聊,施展魅力》《高收益的秘密:如何用高收益投资方案赚大钱》《魔力公众 ...
10-14 [ economy ]
ArcGIS for Desktop Cookbook: Over 60 hands-on recipes to help you become a more productive ArcGIS for Desktop user 电子书下载
ArcGIS for Desktop is one of the strongest components of the Esri ArcGIS platform. Users find it exciting because it has a lot of ...
03-30 [ None ]