A Pharmacology Primer: Techniques for More Effective and Strategic Drug Discovery 电子书下载
A Pharmacology Primer: Techniques for More Effective and Strategic Drug Discovery, Sixth Edition features the latest research surrounding the application of pharmacology in drug discovery in an effort to equip readers with a deeper understanding of complex and rapid changes in this field. Written by well-respected pharmacologist, Terry P. Kenakin, this primer is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in drug discovery. This edition has been reorganized for better flow and clarity and includes material on new technologies for screening (virtual, DNA encoded libraires, fragment-based) and a major section on phenotypic (target agnostic) screening for new leads and determination of drug targets. With full color illustrations as well as new examples throughout, this book remains a top reference for all industry and academic scientists and students directly involved in drug discovery or pharmacologic research. New material includes a discussion of the determination of target engagement, including numerous new ways to demonstrate the physical interaction of molecules with drug targets and new drug candidates such a mRNA, gene therapy, antibodies and information on CRISPR and genomics.
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