Access database design & programming: [what you really need to know to develop with access] 电子书下载
While targeted at intermediate Microsoft Access users who are novice programmers, this second edition of the bestselling Access ...
07-05 [ None ]
Ace the TOEFL essay everything you need for the test of written English 电子书下载
I got it and it helped me very much. All you have to do is read it. Professor Avants did a good job to help me. If a person cant ...
09-13 [ None ]
Key Business Solutions: Essential problem-solving tools and techniques that every manager needs to know (Financial Times Series) 电子书下载
This book explains how to resolve every challenge faced on a day-to-day basis in your business by presenting an unbeatable invent ...
07-25 [ None ]
Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL: All you need to pass your exams 电子书下载
This workbook provides a resource for students studying for the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam, which is requ ...
09-13 [ None ]
Ageing, Care Need and Quality of Life 电子书下载
Increasing life expectancy and population ageing leads to a rising number of elderly people in need of care. Improvements in heal ...
10-14 [ None ]
The Principles of Newtonian and Quantum Mechanics: The Need for Planck’s Constant, H 电子书下载
The second edition of this book deals, as the first, with the foundations of classical physics from the `symplectic` point of vie ...
08-07 [ None ]
Identification of Research Needs Relating to Potential Biological or Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communication 电子书下载
In recent years there has been a rapid increase in the use of wireless communications devices and a great deal of research has be ...
06-27 [ None ]
WEB3 Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review 电子书下载
WEB3 Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms All you need to pass your exams 电子书下载
Check Your Vocabulary workbooks are aimed at learners of English who want to build vocabulary in a specific area. Check Your Engl ...
09-19 [ None ]
Research Needs for High-Level Waste Stored in Tanks and Bins at the U.S. Department of Energy Sites 电子书下载
Report from the Committee on Long-Term Research Needs for Radioactive High-Level Waste at Department of Energy Sites, Board on Ra ...
05-24 [ None ]
Linux & Open Source Annual 2022: Everything You Need to Master Open Source Software and Operating Systems 电子书下载
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has become an international phenomenon in recent years. The FOSS philosophy of protecting us ...
08-22 [ None ]
Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j - Mark Needham and Amy E. Hodler 电子书下载
Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j - Mark Needham and Amy E. HodlerMark Needham and Amy E. Hodler ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Graph Algorithms - Mark Needham and Amy E. Hodler 电子书下载
Graph Algorithms - Mark Needham and Amy E. HodlerMark Needham and Amy E. Hodler ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Reconciliation in Global Context: Why It Is Needed and How It Works 电子书下载
A transdisciplinary approach to reconciliation practices and policies by an international team of scholars and scholar-practition ...
08-03 [ None ]