Access database design & programming: [what you really need to know to develop with access] 电子书下载
While targeted at intermediate Microsoft Access users who are novice programmers, this second edition of the bestselling Access Database Design & Programming should appeal to all levels of Access developers. In particular, the new edition includes:A discussion of Access` new VBA Integrated Development Environment used by Word, Excel, and PowerPointExpanded coverage of the VBA language itself, in response to reader requestsDiscussions of Microsoft`s latest data access technology, called Active Data Objects (or ADO), and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), which is intimately connected with ADO For novice programmers, this book focuses on typically neglected, but nevertheless essential, knowledge for developing effective database applications. Its treatment of database design and queries gives intermediate and advanced developers a consolidated source of info, while its programming chapters constitute a handy reference to basic operations that can be performed using DAO or the Access object model.
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