Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse 电子书下载
Equine Exercise Physiology provides the most up-to-date, in-depth coverage of the basic sciences required for an understanding of ...
07-28 [ None ]
Ecological and environmental physiology of mammals 电子书下载
Mammals are the so-called "pinnacle" group of vertebrates, successfully colonising virtually all terrestrial environments as well ...
09-01 [ None ]
Dopamine in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Schizophrenia: New Findings 电子书下载
New findings have surfaced on the role of dopamine in the treatment of schizophrenia. This volume presents a review of those find ...
08-01 [ None ]
Medmaps for Pathophysiology Yasmeen Agosti, Pamela Duke 电子书下载
Medmaps for PathophysiologyYasmeen Agosti, Pamela Duke0 / 0 0 comments Categories:Medicine - Anatomy and physiologyYear:2008Publi ...
07-29 [ None ]
Exercise Physiology: Kinanthropometry and Exercise physiology Laboratory Manual: Volume Two, 2nd Edition 电子书下载
This is the second edition of the highly successful Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual. Developed as a ke ...
07-28 [ None ]
Exercise Physiology (Foundations of Exercise Science) 电子书下载
Learn how to apply the science of exercise physiology to your exercise programs and to solve the problems you`ll encounter every ...
07-28 [ None ]
Body, Mind and Soul: Kabbalah on Human Physiology, Disease and Healing 电子书下载
The body-mind connection is a well-documented fact in today`s medical paradigm. Yet, long before recent scientific research uncov ...
10-08 [ None ]
人体及动物生理学(第4版)Human and Animal Physiology (4th edition) 电子书下载
《人体及动物生理学(第4版)》内容按分子、细胞和系统生理系统编排,全书共分16章。前5章为细胞和分子生理部分,包括细胞膜信号及跨膜信号转导、神经元的兴奋和传导、突触和突触活动的调节及骨骼肌、心肌和平滑肌生理;后11章包括神经、感觉器官、血液、血液循环、呼吸、 ...
04-14 [ None ]
Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines: Volume II Exercise and Clinical Testing: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Guide 电子书下载
Sport and exercise physiologists are called upon to carry out physiological assessments that have proven validity and reliability ...
07-28 [ None ]
Exercise Physiology: Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual 2nd Edition: Volume 2 Tests, Procedures and Data 电子书下载
This is the second edition of the highly successful Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual. Developed as a ke ...
07-28 [ None ]