Body, Mind and Soul: Kabbalah on Human Physiology, Disease and Healing 电子书下载
The body-mind connection is a well-documented fact in today`s medical paradigm. Yet, long before recent scientific research uncovered this natural linkage, it was described in Kabbalistic healing manuals, with one important difference--there it was understood to be a link between the body, mind, and soul of kabbalah and healing. This healing manual explains Kabbalah`s centuries-old perception of human physiology, its view on how to maintain overall health, and how this is dependent on our spiritual well-being. "The phenomenon of disease is one of [spiritual] separation or estrangement," the rabbi writes pertaining to kabbalah and healing. When disconnected from our innermost self, and our spiritual Source, illness manifests. Were we to understand the true source of our ailments, and give full expression to our yearning to connect with our life Source, we would have no need for external remedies. Whether you rely on today`s holistic healing or on more traditional medicine, you`ll benefit from the Kabbalistic prescriptions for healing and understanding of human physiology laid out in this valuable book. Body, Mind, Soul: Kabbalah and Healing includes: - A reference guide to the body-soul interaction - A detailed description of Kabbalah`s understanding of disease and its root causes - Contemporary healing methods seen from a mystical point of view - A discussion of the healing power of prayer and teshuvah (return to G-d) Kabbalistic healing is a complete system of belief and practice. Of interest to anyone seeking true holism.
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