Getting Started with TypeScript : Includes Introduction to Angular

Getting Started with TypeScript : Includes Introduction to Angular 电子书下载

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书名:Getting Started with TypeScript : Includes Introduction to Angular

Getting Started with TypeScript : Includes Introduction to Angular.jpg

The adoption of TypeScript is increasing and as a serious developer you should have that language definitely in your pocket! Join Thomas in this book to learn the TypeScript language. After you set up your environment you get up to speed with basic types, interfaces, classes, functions, modules, decorators and you learn how to build modern, component-based web-applications with Angular and rock-solid TypeScript code.This book is structured into twelve chapters:1. Introduction2. Setting up Your Environment3. Using TypeScript4. Basic Types5. Var, Let and Const6. Interfaces and Classes7. Generics8. Functions9. Modules10. Decorators11. Declaration Files12. Angular with TypeScriptNow lets learn TypeScript, so that you can build your next javascript-based application with this amazing, popular language.

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