Serving the Body of Christ: The Magisterium on Eucharist and Ordained Priesthood 电子书下载
In Serving the Body of Christ noted liturgical and sacramental theologian Kevin W. Irwin expertly analyzes and summarizes the salient teachings of the Catholic magisterium on the sacraments of the Eucharist and Orders and offers ideas on ways to apply these teachings for the future. Alternating highly technical summaries with reflective essays based on them, Irwin maintains an awareness that not all magisterial documents carry the same theological weight, and his insightful commentary consistently reflects and respects the distinctions among the various ranks of documents. Table of Contents Preface Introduction: Studying the Magisterium on Eucharist and Orders 1. What the Magisterium Says About the Eucharist 2. Toward a Theology of the Eucharist in Light of the Magisterium 3. What the Magisterium Says About Ordained Priesthood 4. Toward a Contemporary Theology of Ordained Priesthood in Light of the Magisterium Select Bibliography
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