Game Developers Market Guide 电子书下载
Welcome to the first comprehensive guide for everyone in the game development industry` from artists, writers, and designers to programmers, producers, and executives. This one-stop guide covers all aspects of the game development industry. If you`re looking for schools with a game development curriculum, they`re in here. If you`re already working in the industry and want to make a career move, check out the listing of game development companies and what they look for in employees. If you`re interested in freelancing, that`s covered too. Build your personal resources using the listing of recommended books, publications, and Web sites that all developers should know about. Get tips that will help you decide whether to use an agent or recruiter, and learn how to cover yourself and your game through contract negotiations and intellectual property laws. If you`re serious about a future in game development, you can`t afford to be without this book!
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