Oracle Application Express 3.2, the Essentials and More: Develop Native Oracle database-centric web applications quickly and easily with Oracle APEX 电子书下载
书名:Oracle Application Express 3.2, the Essentials and More: Develop Native Oracle database-centric web applications quickly and easily with Oracle APEX
This book is a practical guide that not only shows you how to do things, but also makes you understand how things really work, so you`ll be able to develop your own applications. It uses many screenshots, examples, and real-time "APEX code", some of which is documented for the first time. This book is for developers, in general, and web developers, in particular, who wish to learn how to develop data-centric web applications in the Oracle environment. It is also for novice APEX developers, who wish to learn how to use and best utilize the APEX environment, as well as for more experience APEX developers who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding of APEX and its capabilities, and learn from the experience of others. It assumes basic knowledge of HTML, SQL, and PL/SQL. Basic JavaScript understanding is an advantage, and in general can make your life much easier as an APEX developer.
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