Microsoft windows XP media center edition fast & easy 电子书下载
Get ready to discover your computer`s amazing multimedia capabilities. Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition Fast & Easy offers step-by-step instructions for using your computer as a television, DVD player, photo viewer, CD player, and more! By the time you finish, you`ll even cover multimedia file storage options and the Media Center remote control. Features* There is no competition for this book. Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition Fast & Easy will be the first book out on this new technology. * Because the Media Center includes so many different appliances in one spot, it is perfect for those people without a lot of room to spare - particularly students. * The Media Center can be upgraded to support every TV in the house. What that will mean is that all digital pictures, music, and videos will be available from any TV in the house. * The Media Center can be upgraded to support every TV in the house. What that will mean is that all digital pictures, music, and videos will be available from any TV in the house.
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