Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: Silica Membranes: Preparation, Modelling, Application, and Commercialization 电子书下载
书名:Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: Silica Membranes: Preparation, Modelling, Application, and Commercialization
Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes: Silica Membranes: Preparation, Modelling, Application, and Commercialization discusses one of the most promising inorganic membranes, namely silica membranes, and their different applications. In the field of membrane separation technology, silica membranes play a key role in the future of the chemical industry as one of the most promising alternatives for separations at high temperatures and aggressive media. This book details the latest research findings, along with the potential industrial applications of an area that has seen growing research activity on various type of membranes due to the necessity of gas separation and water treatment processes. Many industrial companies and academic centers will find immense interest in learning about the best strategies for carrying out these processes.
Reviews available methods for the characterization, preparation, and applications of silica membranesIncludes new and emerging modeling methodsDiscusses silica membrane applications for hydrogen production and applications in CO2 capturing, water treatment, and pervaporation
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