Computational Inelasticity 电子书下载
This book describes the theoretical foundations of inelasticity, its numerical formulation and implementation. The subject matter described herein constitutes a representative sample of state-of-the- art methodology currently used in inelastic calculations. Among the numerous topics covered are small deformation plasticity and viscoplasticity, convex optimization theory, integration algorithms for the constitutive equation of plasticity and viscoplasticity, the variational setting of boundary value problems and discretization by finite element methods. Also addressed are the generalization of the theory to non-smooth yield surface, mathematical numerical analysis issues of general return mapping algorithms, the generalization to finite-strain inelasticity theory, objective integration algorithms for rate constitutive equations, the theory of hyperelastic-based plasticity models and small and large deformation viscoelasticity. Computational Inelasticity will be of great interest to researchers and graduate students in various branches of engineering, especially civil, aeronautical and mechanical, and applied mathematics.
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