Administering ArcGIS for Server: Installing and configuring ArcGIS for Server to publish, optimize, and secure GIS services 电子书下载
书名:Administering ArcGIS for Server: Installing and configuring ArcGIS for Server to publish, optimize, and secure GIS services
ArcGIS for Server is a new technology that has been developed to bring geographically-enabled information from multiple sources into one single platform and make it available for sharing services. Server supports many types of services, and the beauty of this technology is that it has an edge over other products, as the source of information can be directly plugged into Server without the need to change or migrate the existing infrastructure. Administering ArcGIS for Server teaches you the mechanics of ArcGIS for Server, equipping you with the skills to not only install and configure Server, but to do it efficiently to achieve effective results. You will also learn how to plan, analyze, design, and finally publish and consume GIS services from various platforms including mobile and tablets.
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