Using ArcGIS 3D Analyst: ArcGIS 9 电子书下载
ESRI(R) ArcGIS(TM) 3D Analyst(TM) is one of the available extensions to the ArcGIS(TM) Desktop products-- ArcInfo(TM), ArcEditor(TM), and ArcView(R). ArcGIS 3D Analyst is a three-dimensional visualization and analysis extension that enables you to create surface models from several input data sources. ArcGIS 3D Analyst also adds two specialized three-dimensional viewing applications, ArcScene(TM) and ArcGlobe that extend the capabilities of ArcGIS Desktop. You will learn how to: Make realistic perspective local and world-wide views of images, scenarios, and models, all including true 3D symbols.Create and visualize three-dimensional surfaces.Query and analyze surfaces.Perform visibility analysis.Determine the surface area and volume of parts of a surface.Animate local and world-wide three-dimensional images, surfaces, and other scenarios.Display and view world-wide raster and vector datasets on a globe surface in their true geodetic locations. Begin by following the quick-start tutorial to get an overview of how to drape an image over a surface and perform the basics with ArcGIS 3D Analyst. If you prefer, jump right in and experiment on your own. When you have questions, you will find concise, step-by-step answers inside, fully illustrated, to help you complete a task.
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