The Cyber Intelligence Analyst’s Cookbook. Volume 1: A primer for Open Source Intelligence Collection and Applied Research 电子书下载
书名:The Cyber Intelligence Analyst’s Cookbook. Volume 1: A primer for Open Source Intelligence Collection and Applied Research
This book. Well, it started out as a manual, or rather a brain dump of my process. I`ve spent the last year or so examining how I collect Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and tag it. Pretty simple right? Not so much. What I found over that year was that I continually added new tags to the artifacts, or I was creating new tags because they didn`t exist within the database I use for storing this information. I use the Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) exclusively for my work. MISP is open, expandable, and can be queried by other apps using several different methods. Most of all, it`s free.
Anyways, I started with this brain dump of my process for recording OSINT. The work initially started out just for me. I haven`t documented any of my methods, thoughts, what have you in quite some time. I was due for this knowledge transfer. However, as I began writing, I found that a manual wasn`t going to cut it. The next thing I know, I`m writing a book, and thirty days- ish later, the first draft was completed. Truthfully, it`s an awful book, and I apologize to anyone who attempts to read it. Yet, as I look back over the body of knowledge, I see that I`ve at least created a good foundation for future volumes. Opportunities for expansion and clarification. Who knows, maybe someone will find what`s in this book useful.
The book itself is explicitly written for cyber intelligence analysts. Still, anyone who performs intelligence as a discipline can deconstruct what`s here and apply it to any intelligence domain. I`m also assuming the reader, at a minimum, has access to the Internet and can look up the tools used within the book. I`ve tried my best to add references to the right level of detail and completeness. I do believe in citing sources. Well, I`ve been beaten into always citing sources through my academic career as a student. So, what exactly is in this book? Part 1 of this book goes over the way I collect and store OSINT into MISP. Part 2 goes over some higher-order analysis that can be applied to the data.
I`ve placed the book under the GNU Free Documentation License. I`ve learned a lot from the open community and feel that this particular contribution belongs to the community. Those who take part in the open community, per se, made me. I`ve had to put a lot of work into myself to get to this point of knowledge in my own life, but I would not have gotten to this point if others hadn`t laid the foundation before me. I`m sure folks will argue with the premises and processes I`ve laid out in this book, and that`s totally cool with me. Hell, the one thing I know from my current Ph.D. program at university is to be prepared for the beating. This book is in no way a stone tablet or bible that must be adhered to as gospel truth.
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