Learn HTML and CSS: Learn to build a website with HTML and CSS 电子书下载
Learn to build your own website with HTML and CSS.
Discover how you can learn HTML and CSS and build your own project or website. You will learn through a series of mini projects from styling a simple paragraph to coding a navigation bar and more.
The best way to learn is by doing, that is why this book has multiple tutorials for you to follow along with. You don`t need to have any prior experience at coding. The book is designed so that you can start from scratch and begin learning straight away.
You don`t build a single website in this book, rather it is a series of tutorials and explanations so that you can learn the skills you require to create whatever you want to create. After all coding should be fun, but if you have to slog through a long boring book just to complete one project then things can get boring fast.
HTML and CSS are the building blocks of any webpage and are a great foundation and starting place. You can do a lot with HTML and CSS and after some practice you could even buy your own hosting and publish your website to the web.
Are there any requirements for starting this book?
The answer is no, You don`t need any experience in coding to get lots out of these tutorials, That is the way they were designed, for you to take your time and figure out how the code works and then move on to the next challenge.
If you have experience in coding already then this might be a bit simplified for you, however you are still likely to learn and pick up new things, however also check out my ruby on rails book for harder projects and web apps.
Best of luck Learning HTML and CSS
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