Case in Point 11: Complete Case Interview Preparation

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书名:Case in Point 11: Complete Case Interview Preparation

Case in Point 11: Complete Case Interview Preparation.jpg

The Wall Street Journal calls Case in Point the MBA Bible! The world’s foremost authority on case interviewing and bestselling author Marc Cosentino demystifies the case interview process, which is not only used for recruiting in consulting but also in private equity, strategic planning, marketing, logistic, operations, and human capital. He takes you inside a typical interview by exploring the various types of case questions, and he shares with you the acclaimed Ivy Case System. It will give you the confidence to answer even the most sophisticated cases. Now in its eleventh edition, Case in Point is the most current and up-to-date book on the subject, and reflects all the latest changes in the case interview process —with plenty of graphs and lessons built in. The book includes dozens of strategy cases, with case starts exercises, 21 ways to cut costs and much more. Case in Point11 helps you build your case cred from start to finish.

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