Power Pivot and Power BI the Excel users guide to DAX Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel 2010-2016 电子书下载
书名:Power Pivot and Power BI the Excel users guide to DAX Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel 2010-2016
Microsoft PowerPivot is a free add-on to Excel from Microsoft that allows users to produce new kinds of reports and analyses that were simply impossible before. This book tackles DAX formulas, the core capability of PowerPivot, from the perspective of the Excel audience. The techniques presented allow users to produce, in hours or even minutes, results that formerly would have taken entire teams weeks or months to produce. It includes lessons on the difference between calculated columns and measures; how formulas can be reused across reports of completely different shapes; how to merge disjointed sets of data into unified reports; how to make certain columns in a pivot behave as if the pivot were filtered while other columns do not; and how to create time-intelligent calculations in pivot tables such as "Year over Year" and "Moving Averages" whether they use a standard, fiscal, or a complete custom calendar. --
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