Quantitative Investment Analysis (CFA Institute Investment Series) 电子书下载
In the Second Edition of Quantitative Investment Analysis, financial experts Richard DeFusco, Dennis McLeavey, Jerald Pinto, and David Runkle outline the tools and techniques needed to understand and apply quantitative methods to today`s investment process.Now, in Quantitative Investment Analysis Workbook, Second Edition, they offer you a wealth of practical information and exercises that will further enhance your understanding of this discipline. This essential study guide--which parallels the main book chapter by chapter--contains challenging problems and a complete set of solutions as well as concise learning outcome statements and summary overviews.If you`re looking to successfully navigate today`s dynamic investment environment, the lessons found within these pages can show you how. Topics reviewed include:The time value of moneyDiscounted cash flowProbability distributionsSampling and estimationHypothesis testingMultiple regressionTime-series analysisAnd much more
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