CFA Institute Investment Foundations® Program, 3rd Edition 电子书下载
The CFA Institute Investment Foundations® Program is for all professional disciplines in the financial services industry outside of investment roles. It provides a comprehensive education program designed to give those professionals a clear understanding of the essentials of the investment industry and their roles and professional responsibilities within it. An easy-to-follow, self-study modular program, the Investment Foundations Program will cover all aspects of the investment industry: industry overview, ethics and regulation, tools and inputs, investment instruments, industry structure, industry controls, and serving clients’ needs. The 3rd Edition is for candidates who registered with CFA Institute for the examination after 1 February 2019. The 2018–2019 version is for candidates who registered with CFA Institute for the examination on or after 1 February 2018. The print version matches the lesson content of the Learning Ecosystem, which you can access free of charge as a registrant of the program.
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