ExamWise® Volume 1 CFA 2008 Level I Certification With Preliminary Reading Assignments For Chartered Financial Analyst (With Download Software) (Examwise) 电子书下载
书名:ExamWise® Volume 1 CFA 2008 Level I Certification With Preliminary Reading Assignments For Chartered Financial Analyst (With Download Software) (Examwise)
ABOUT THE BOOK: Start Here to pass the CFA Level I exam Use This Concept Check 400 Question and Answer Workbook to Study for the 2008 Chartered Financial Analyst Level 1 Exam It is critical that you design a successful study program. There are no short cuts to passing the CFA exam, and pass rates have been falling. It is a tough exam and you will need to both learn the underlying material and do plenty of practice questions that test your knowledge and prepare you for the CFA-style question and answer format. This Volume 1 workbook is just what the title states. It has 400 questions that cover the 76 Reading Assignments for 2008 CFA Level I. It teaches you the basic concepts covered in the CFA Preliminary Readings and tests your understanding of them, preparing you to move on to more advanced study materials. It includes Concept Check questions, with explanations and references related to specific LOS statements, and is accompanied by a free download test engine that generates multiple mock exams. This unbeatable package of comprehensive Preliminary Reading Assignments and Concept Check Questions includes: 400 Concept Check Questions covering all 18 exam study sessions and 76 learning outcome statements. Helpful tips and time management techniques to calm your pre-exam jitters and put you in control. FREE DOWNLOAD of the exclusive TotalRecallPress.com Self-Help and Interactive Exam Study Aid. Our interactive test engine generates randomized mock exams designed to identify your strengths and weaknesses so you can determine where best to allocate your limited study time. Membership access at Customized Forum Associates www.FinancialCertification.com. FREE communication and collaboration with current financial candidates from around the world in our Forums area. Users can view, post, and reply to messages relating to specific financial topics or general interest. For an additional set of 500 unique practice Questions you will want to purchase the following companion that covers all 18 Study Sessions with each of the 76 Learning Outcome Statements. ExamWise Volume 2 CFA 2008 Level I Certification: Concept Check Q & A Workbook For Chartered Financial Analyst (with Download Practice Exam Software) ISBN # 978-1-59095-949-7 Authors: Jane Vessey, Afdal Pamilih, and David Stewart are CFA`s with combined experience in venture capital, asset management and valuation, structural reorganization, and private client management. They have extensive experience in teaching CFA online, college, and professional development courses. Their books, articles, manuals, practice exams, analysis, commentary, and study guides have appeared widely in the financial management, securities, and exam preparation industries.
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