DIY Bookbinding: Bind Your Own Book by Hand 电子书下载
Bookbinding may well be a dying art in this digital age, but you can still learn how to do it yourself with this easy-to-follow ebook. In fact, you can reverse the course of evolution and convert this particular digital specimen into a durable, hand-stitched book that will last for generations. When you’re finished, this ebook will truly be «hands-on.»OReilly Senior Editor Brian Sawyer takes you through the process with step-by-step instructions and scores of instructive photographs. All you need to bring to the table are a few simple materials—including magazines youd like to preserve. Discover how simple, unmessy, fun, and satisfying binding books by hand can be.Print the pages of this ebook or remove the existing cover from a magazineCreate signatures and prepare them for stitchingGlue the spineBuild and attach the cover boardsCover the exterior and interior of the cover boards
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