Orchard Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling 电子书下载
This text contains a comprehensive discussion on continuous and discrete time signals and systems with many MATLAB examples. It is written for junior and senior electrical and computer engineering students, and for self-study by working professionals. The prerequisites are a basic course in differential and integral calculus, and basic electric circuit theory. To get the most out of this text, it is highly recommended that Appendix A is thoroughly reviewed. This appendix serves as an introduction to MATLAB, and is intended for those who are not familiar with it. The Student Edition of MATLAB is an inexpensive, and yet a very powerful software package. The elementary signals are reviewed in Chapter 1, and several examples are given. The purpose of this chapter is to enable the reader to express any waveform in terms of the unit step function, and subsequently the derivation of the Laplace transform of it. Chapters 2 through 4 are devoted to Laplace transformation and circuit analysis using this transform. Chapter 5 is an introduction to state-space and contains many illustrative examples. Chapter 6 discusses the impulse response. Chapters 7 and 8 are devoted to Fourier series and transform respectively. Chapter 9 introduces discrete-time signals and the Z transform. Considerable time was spent on Chapter 10 to present the Discrete Fourier transform and FFT with the simplest possible explanations. Chapter 11 contains a thorough discussion to analog and digital filters analysis and design procedures. Appendices A and B are introductions to MATLAB and Simulink respectively, Appendix C is a review of complex numbers, Appendix D discusses matrices and determinants, and Appendix E is a comprehensive coverage of window functions. For additional information. please visit the Orchard Publications site.
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