Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron): Architect and build a network infrastructure for your cloud using OpenStack Neutron networking 电子书下载
书名:Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron): Architect and build a network infrastructure for your cloud using OpenStack Neutron networking
OpenStack provides a rich API that enables users to architect networks, create virtual machines, and scale their application as they see fit. However, it suffered limited network implementations, providing only basic networking through Linux VLANs and iptables. With the arrival of Neutron, you can achieve so much more with OpenStack. Whether you are new to OpenStack Networking (Neutron) or have experience, this book will provide you with the skills needed to successfully design, create, customize, and maintain the core network foundation of an OpenStack cloud using the Neutron networking API. From start to finish, this tutorial will educate you on the various network features of OpenStack in the Havana release and how they work together. With ample screenshots, examples, and command-line output that provide a consistent experience, this book will give you a foundation from which you can build your very own OpenStack cloud with advanced networking services.
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