Mastering OpenStack: Design, deploy, and manage a scalable OpenStack infrastructure

Mastering OpenStack: Design, deploy, and manage a scalable OpenStack infrastructure 电子书下载

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书名:Mastering OpenStack: Design, deploy, and manage a scalable OpenStack infrastructure

Mastering OpenStack: Design, deploy, and manage a scalable OpenStack infrastructure.jpg

This comprehensive guide will help you to choose the right practical option and make strategic decisions about the OpenStack cloud environment to fit your infrastructure in production. At the start, this book will explain the OpenStack core architecture. You will soon be shown how to create your own OpenStack private cloud. Next, you will move on to cover the key security layer and network troubleshooting skills, along with some advanced networking features. Finally, you will gain experience of centralizing and logging OpenStack. The book will show you how to carry out performance tuning based on OpenStack service logs. By the end of this book, you will be ready to take steps to deploy and manage an OpenStack cloud with the latest open source technologies.

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