日本人の心がわかる日本語-Japanese Words to Understand the Japanese Mind 电子书下载
日本語・日本人・日本文化をより深く理解するための日本語学習者向け教材。本書は、中級~上級の日本語学習者向けの日本語教材です。日本人や日本文化の特徴が色濃く反映されたキーワードを通して、その背景にある日本人の考え方や日本文化への理解を深めることを目的としています。実用的な例文満載で、日本人の考え方を学びながら、日本語の学習をすることができます。ルビ付き、英語・中国語・韓国語の補訳付き。日本語教師の参考書としてもおすすめです。/////////////////////////////////// 日本人の感性が色濃く表れた言葉の説明を通して、日本文化が学べる一冊。Learn about Japanese culture by examining the markedly expressive language used to show the emotions and feelings of the Japanese.[Includes English, Chinese and Korean translations]This book is designed for intermediate to advanced learners of the Japanese language to gain a deeper understanding of the Japanese language, Japanese people, and Japanese culture.This book is a Japanese language textbook for intermediate to advanced learners of Japanese.It is designed to help students deepen their understanding of the Japanese way of thinking and Japanese culture through key words that reflect the characteristics of the Japanese people and Japanese culture.It aims to deepen understanding of the Japanese way of thinking and the Japanese culture behind it.Filled with practical example sentences, you can learn Japanese while learning about the Japanese way of thinking.It comes with ruby and supplementary translations in English, Chinese, and Korean.It is also recommended as a reference book for Japanese language teachers./////////////////////////////////// This is a book where you can learn about Japanese culture through explanations of words that strongly express Japanese sensibilities.
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