Beginning Jazz Guitar: The Complete Jazz Guitar Method: Beginning-intermediate-mastering Chord-Melody-mastering Improvisation 电子书下载
书名:Beginning Jazz Guitar: The Complete Jazz Guitar Method: Beginning-intermediate-mastering Chord-Melody-mastering Improvisation
Anyone with a knowledge of basic chords and guitar scale fingerings can dig right in and start learning to play jazz right away. Spanning from the major scale and basic triad theory all the way up to extended chords and the modes, this book features a full-length etude or song to go with every new concept introduced. Beginning Jazz Guitar breaks the age-old tradition of dry, intimidating and confusing jazz books, and provides an actual step-by-step and enjoyable method for learning to play in this style. Clearly organized into easily mastered segments, each chapter is divided into separate lessons on harmony or improvisation. All music is shown in standard notation and TAB, and the CD demonstrates the examples in the book. 96 pages.
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