Analog Behavioral Modeling with the Verilog-A Language 电子书下载
Analog Behavioral Modeling With The Verilog-A Language provides the IC designer with an introduction to the methodologies and uses of analog behavioral modeling with the Verilog-A language. In doing so, an overview of Verilog-A language constructs as well as applications using the language are presented. In addition, the book is accompanied by the Verilog-A Explorer IDE (Integrated Development Environment), a limited capability Verilog-A enhanced SPICE simulator for further learning and experimentation with the Verilog-A language. This book assumes a basic level of understanding of the usage of SPICE-based analog simulation and the Verilog HDL language, although any programming language background and a little determination should suffice. From the Foreword: `Verilog-A is a new hardware design language (HDL) for analog circuit and systems design. Since the mid-eighties, Verilog HDL has been used extensively in the design and verification of digital systems. However, there have been no analogous high-level languages available for analog and mixed-signal circuits and systems. Verilog-A provides a new dimension of design and simulation capability for analog electronic systems. Previously, analog simulation has been based upon the SPICE circuit simulator or some derivative of it. Digital simulation is primarily performed with a hardware description language such as Verilog, which is popular since it is easy to learn and use. Making Verilog more worthwhile is the fact that several tools exist in the industry that complement and extend Verilog`s capabilities ... Behavioral Modeling With the Verilog-A Language provides a good introduction and starting place for students and practicing engineers with interest in understanding this new level of simulation technology. This book contains numerous examples that enhance the text material and provide a helpful learning tool for the reader. The text and the simulation program included can be used for individual study or in a classroom environment ...` Dr. Thomas A. DeMassa, Professor of Engineering, Arizona State University
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